If you are also looking for Rohan Oil South Guard Shack then you are unable to find it so in this article we have explained everything about this location and as well as how you can find this location in Warzone 2, we have given one very quick and easy guide for you to know the answer of this question.
If you already have played DMZ mode in Warzone 2 then you already know that if you collect keys from the across location then it will simply open the doors for you to the special location that will simply give you special loot and XP as well.
So from different keys, One key you will find in Rohan oil South guard shack location in Warzone 2.
Rohan Oil South Guard Shack Location in Warzone 2
Before finding any location you just need to check the map in the game it will give you the best idea of where you need to go to find these keys. Below we have given the exact location that leads you to the current location.

If you notice then you will get to know Rohan Oil is located towards the north of the map of AI Mazrah. If you check then you will find the South guard shack towards the southern part of Rohan Oil.
If you are still confused then follow the below step for the perfect guide.
- First, you need to zoom in on the southern part of “Rohan Oil“
- There will be silo clusters on the map, If you don’t know what is Silo clusters then it just looks like big circle-like structures.
- If you just check the above image where we have mentioned the perfect location you can see a separate small shack standing from other buildings.
Tutorial Video for Rohan Oil South Guard Shack Location
Basically, this is the Shack that you are looking for. If you have still any doubts then you can comment below we will explain in more detail.