If you are looking for Darkbringer MM2 Value then you are on the right page we have explained everything about it the latest up-to-date price listings and many more. If you are doing any trade then first you need to check the price and make sure you are checking before trading anything.

Particular | Detail |
Item Type | Gun |
Rarity | Godly |
Darkbringer MM2 Value | 80 |
Player Demand | 3/10 |
Price Stability | Stable |
Ways to Obtain it | Mystery Box 2 or Trading |
Table of Contents
What is Darkbringer in MM2? 2023
Darkbringer is not a revolver just like other guns, although it looks like them. The whole gun looks like Pathbringer but the main important thing to make this different is first that 75% of the part of this gun is black and the rest of the other parts like the trigger, grip, and wings which you’ll find in the back tail of the gun are red.
Important Things to Know About Darkbringer
- If you notice in the game then you will find the Chroma counterpart under the name Chroma Darkbringer of this gun which will be found from the same mystery box.
- Darkbringer has also another unique counterpart called Dartbringer.
- Just like other season 1 weapons Darkbringer is modeled and textured by IDontHaveAUse.
- This Gun is a part of the Bringer set if we have 2 more gun in a set which is the Goldy gun and Lightbringer.
- Darkbringer is commonly used with ancient knife batwing however it’s not making any combined set with them.
- Just like other weapons, this is not a salvageable weapon in the crafting station.
How to get Darkbringer?
If you want Darkbringer you will have to purchase Mystery Box 2 Weapon Crate from in the game shop. It costs either 100 diamonds or 1,000 coins. It can also be traded for a Mystery Key.
How is the value calculated in MM2?
There is no trading currency inside mm2. If you want to trade, you will have to exchange your item for another item, this is the only way to trade. Here the value of any item is calculated in comparison with its relative value. The value of all items keeps changing here.
If you don’t know then let me tell you that the Murder Mystery 2 game is free you can play this game at Roblox.com.